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The gathering of the Jomsborg army at Wolin

Viking Reenactment Wolin

  • Post category:News

So 2024 was a crazy year of events, with the grand cretendo being Wolin this year, strangely smaller but still really fun and intense, we break down some of the highlights and foot notes.

The Viking Reenactment scenes changing

Vikings are evolving more into a culmination of cultures, ranging the Early Medieval period, its less about generic vikings now, and more about regional portayals. We’ve been seeing this very much grow over the past 14 years, but now in the past five years, its evolved. Now however the evolutions meant Wolins finally made the decision to catch up, the (Jomsborga Vineta Wolin festival of Vikings and Slavs). As data and historical accuracy has greatly improved, Reenactment groups have harmonised and taking on ethno cultures as a whole in there portrayal and some of them are really awesome. What we used to see, was a mish mash of Viking helmets loosely based on finds, with D plate lamellar, and all sorts of atrocities which while weren’t the majority, the rules for enforcement were non existent throughout the years, which have seen a drastic change. If you’d like to see what we do also, please by all means check out our Viking Reenactment

  1. The Dodgy Lammellar of Wolins past has pretty much gone, and there’s a heavy push on greater equipment being culturally relevant, and correct, for many this wasnt a problem, but for some Reenactors its required big changes.
  2. Wolins avoiding the use of mix and match gear.
  3. A lot of groups are now portraying Norman French, or other culturally relevant forces of the time period, rather than “Generic viking” some of these portrayals are exquisite and very professional, over all the standard and look at Wolin is 1000% better than its ever been, and its resulted in a movement for great progress. When you see a Slavic warrior, you can quite quickly recognise it and respect the level of effort gone into there equipment, if you see a Norman, its quite clearly Norman, Byzantine / Rus again, same thing.
  4. Rule system: The Eastern style rule systems changed and this dynamic has made it extremely challenging as a fighter. It means now Viking Re-enactment using this style is really easy to over extend and open yourself up for the kill, its crept closer to Huscarl, which a of people are pleased about.

Over all, the event was really fun, and as far as Viking events go this is definately the Mecca as always, next year sets to hold a record, as its an Anniversary event! Join us there!

We hope to see you there next year, the battles were really intense and fun, with many close moments!